Unable To Manage Networking Component Cisco Vpn

Unable to access internet after connecting to VPN using Cisco VPN client. And many organizations purposely configure their Cisco VPNs to split tunneling. I am unable to browse the internet on can configure on your end to make this happen. Don't be surprised if you ask them to have to do this on their end. Unable to manage networking component. Operating system corruption may be preventing installation. Did a quick search and one discussion indicated that the Windows AD Group Policies may be the problem.

  1. Unable To Manage Networking Component Cisco Vpn Problems

I had been helping a vendor install Cisco VPN Client and the installation kept failing with “Error 27850. Unable to manage networking component. Operating system corruption may be preventing installation.”


As it turns out, there was other VPN software installed and bound to the local network adapter. Windows 7 has a default maximum number of 8 network filter drivers it can have assigned to the network adapter.

The image at the following link shows a good example of adding more than 8 network filters to an adapter: https://supportforums.cisco.com/thread/2015629#3067225

Unable To Manage Networking Component Cisco Vpn Problems

The maximum number of filter drivers for Windows 7 can be set to 14. To increase the value from the default, the change must be done in HKEY_Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlNetworkMaxNumFilters. Increasing the value to 14 allowed the Cisco VPN Client installation to complete.